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Bookstores (2)

Broadband and DSL Internet Providers (2)

Cable and Satellite TV Providers (2)

Furniture and Office Supply Stores (1)

Women's and Men's Clothing and Lingerie Stores (4)

Review of Wal-Mart’s Furniture Department

Wal-mart stores are one of our favorite stores, however they don’t sell that much furniture, unless you have a Wal-mart super-center. Their furniture isn’t all that bad.

We have gotten a bookcase from Wal-mart and an entertainment center from them, as well. They have lower prices than other stores that sell the same type of furniture.

We have noticed that some of their prices have gone up, though since they have remodeled. We would still choose Wal-mart for most of our furniture needs, though there are other stores that we would choose as well.

Wal-mart’s customer service has gotten better since they remodeled and there are more employees in the store than what there used to be as well. They also have more people who help with loading your car. We are happier with Wal-mart’s store now than in the past.