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Review of Verizon DSL Internet Service

We love Verizon DSL Internet Service. It is fast and very reliable. We haven’t had any problems with Verizon as we had with our previous Internet Service.

For our Internet based businesses we needed something more reliable, yet within our price range. So we decided to look into Verizon DSL Service and we found that they would be cheaper.

So we subscribed to their services. We have heard of some Internet providers who make their services lag when their customers try to watch their favorite TV shows on the Internet.

So far with Verizon DSL we have had no problems watching our favorite TV shows on the Internet. We are extremely happy with their services.

We would definitely recommend Verizon to everyone. Verizon DSL is easy to install and if you have any problems installing it you can call a number that they provide you with for help.

They can either talk you through the installation process over the phone or you can have a technician come to your home to install it for you if you prefer.