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Review of Comcast Internet Service

Comcast is one of the worst companies we have dealt with. Their Internet service is too slow and too expensive for their crappy service (considering they claim they are one the fastest Internet services in the United States).

When we purchased a subscription to their Internet service ten years ago, they gave us the choice to rent one of their modems for $10.00 (for Pennsylvania, we are not sure if it is the same price, higher or lower in other states) or we could purchase our own modem from an electronics retailer (we paid $99.95 at Circuit City when they still had their stores open). When we purchased the modem Comcast needed to see the receipt and model, serial number and other information, for confirmation that the modem was bought by us and was not one of theirs.

When we still had Comcast’s Internet Service, sometimes when we had a problem and we had to call them, they would need some information about our modem which then they would comment that the modem wasn’t one of theirs. We would confirm this and tell them the make and model of our modem. So, in essence, they knew the modem wasn’t one of theirs.

However, at some point while we had their service, whether it was months or years we don’t know, on one of our Comcast bills they took it upon themselves to add on a modem rental fee, even though we were not renting a modem from them and they knew this. We went to their place of business and told them, "We purchased our modem and are not renting one of Comcast's and we want the fee taken off of our bill." (At the time we could not find our receipt for our modem) They of course claimed that they had no proof of us owning our modem. They did when we first activated our account.

So after ten minutes of arguing with them they decided they would be "generous" and take 3 months of modem rental fees off of 3 of our most recent bills. They said they could not go back any further then that, again because they could not prove that we owned our modem. I'm sure they could have gone back and checked our account to see that we owned the modem if they wanted to, but they were too lazy and just wanted to keep the profit they made on the fee.

We don’t know if they would still try to claim that we were renting one of their modems even with proof that we bought one from a retailer. We also don’t know how long they waited to put the fee on our passed bills, for us we noticed it after nine years of having their service.

After almost 10 years of crappy service from Comcast we decided we wanted to change Internet service providers, (mainly because they were too expensive) so we contacted Comcast and cancelled their service. We will do a review on our new Internet subscription as well.

Also, with Comcast's Internet Service we also had problems with Comcast Internet Service lagging when we would try to watch our favorite TV programs on the Internet. So that was another reason we discontinued their service.